Green Mountaineer Online
Have you ever wondered...
What was it like to be a kid in Vermont 130 years ago?
When was the Year without a Summer?
Where was Vermont's first skyscraper?
Find answers to these questions, and many other Vermont history stories, in The Green Mountaineer, a magazine about Vermont history for kids. Select a category below to see more articles about Vermont!
Or browse by time period.
Teachers & Parents - The articles from The Green Mountaineer
can be downloaded as PDF files and printed on letter size paper.
The Green Mountaineer was published by the Vermont
Historical Society from 1981 to 1992. We have tried to update the
articles when necessary. Contact us with comments or suggestions.
Copy and paste this citation to show where you did your research.
Vermont Historical Society. "Green Mountaineer Online." Vermont History Explorer. Accessed March 25, 2025.