Green Mountaineer Online: Government

Does your town have a Town Meeting? Learn more about what happens there now - and what happened at Vermont's first town meetings.

Vermont legislators make important decisions in our State House in Montpelier. Where did they meet before Montpelier became our capital?

What do legislators discuss at the State House?

Two men from Vermont have become President of the United States. Can you name them?

Every 10 years, the United States conducts a census. The most recent one was in 2020. How - and when - did the US census begin?

In 1777, the Vermont Constitution limited slavery in Vermont. But slavery was legal in the United States. In the mid-1800s, some slaves came to - or through - Vermont for freedom.

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Vermont Historical Society. "Green Mountaineer Online: Government." Vermont History Explorer. Accessed March 25, 2025.

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