Green Mountain Parkway

In the 1930s, Vermont and the world were going through the Great Depression. To help Americans, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and other government work programs established projects. These projects focused on improving the infrastructure and public recreation in many states. One of these proposed projects was the Green Mountain Parkway. This project would place a large highway through the state of Vermont, from Massachusetts to Canada. The project was controversial. The Vermont State House could not decide how to vote. So, they turned the decision over to Vermonters.

The Green Mountain Parkway would have changed the landscape of Vermont. Many similar projects were approved in other states. Vermonters had different arguments in support of and against parkway construction. The Green Mountain Club opposed the project because it would cut through a section of the Long Trail. But the Vermont State Chamber of Commerce supported the project because it would help Vermonters find work. On Town Meeting Day in 1936, Vermonters voted on the Green Mountain Parkway project. Five counties voted in favor of the project, nine voted against. The Green Mountain Parkway project was defeated and was not built.