Vermont History Day Special Prizes

Thank you to all of the sponsors who support the work of Vermont History Day students!

Students with outstanding projects can win a special prize at Vermont History Day.

Consult the official list for complete special prize descriptions.

Special Prizes for Students

Architectural History Prize
Sponsored by the Preservation Trust of Vermont

Arts and Medicine Prize
Sponsored by Brenda and Stephen Perkins

Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation History Prize
Sponsored by the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation

Freedom and Unity Civics Prize
Sponsored by the Friends of the Vermont State House

George F. Edmunds Memorial Prize
Sponsored by the Vermont Historical Society through the George F. Edmunds Fund

The Horace Greeley Foundation American Freedom Award
Sponsored by The Horace Greeley Foundation

International Studies Award
Sponsored by Terry Buehner

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer History Award

Sponsored by the Vermont LGBTQ History Project

Lost Mural and Little Jerusalem Prize

Sponsored by the Lost Mural Project

Mollie Beattie Memorial Environmental Prize
Sponsored in Honor of Mollie Beattie

Norwich University Military History Prize

Sponsored by Norwich University

Truth and Reconciliation Prize

Sponsored by The Vermont Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Vermont History Award
Sponsored by the Vermont Historical Society

Vermont State Archives Award for Outstanding Use of Primary Sources
Sponsored by the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration, Secretary of State

Women's History Award
Sponsored by Patricia Passmore Alley in memory of Helen Vrooman Passmore

Educator Awards

Shelburne Museum Award
Sponsored by the Shelburne Museum

Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation Teacher Award
Sponsored by the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation