Websites, Documentaries, and Papers

Specific contest day details for students presenting websites, documentaries, and papers.

Submission Deadline

  • Websites, Documentaries and Papers need to submit projects by March 24, 2025 at 11:59 pm.

General Information

  • General Bring three printed copies of your process paper and annotated bibliography.
  • Judges need to read your process paper and bibliographies, not view them on a device.
  • It is best to bring them both with you.
  • In case of an emergency, printers are available at the Howe Library, but you need a special card to pay for printing.


  • Judges will have viewed websites, and read them thoroughly, before contest day judging.
  • The process paper and bibliography are part of the student website, so no additional copies are necessary.
  • Website judging is scheduled in 15-minute increments.


  • Documentaries are submitted by March 24, so students only need to bring three copies of their process paper and bibliography.
  • Judging rooms will have a computer (PC), a projector, and a screen. The documentaries will be pre-loaded on the computers. Students will give the judges their process paper to read before their video is shown. When judges indicate they are ready, s student may start the video.
  • Documentary judging is scheduled in 20-minute increments. 
  • Spectators may watch documentary judging.


  • Judges will have already read the paper and bibliography prior to contest day judging.
  • It is encouraged for students to print and bring a reference copy for themselves.
  • Paper judging is scheduled in 15-minute increments.