Vermont Then & Now
Why do historians compare the past and the present?
Over time, some things change and some things stay the same. Historians compare and contrast different time periods. They look at what has changed and what has stayed the same. Historians also think about why things have changed.
Look at these two photographs of Main Street in Montpelier. Slide the button across to compare the two images.
Find the building at the end of the street that is the same in both photographs. (Hint, it's at the top right). How have the other buildings changed? How has transportation changed? How has the street stayed the same?
Why did some things change and others stay the same?

Read these stories about Vermont at different times in history. Think about the ways Vermont has changed and the ways Vermont has stayed the same.

Vermont in the 1990s
What was Vermont like a generation ago?

Vermont in the 1980s
What was Vermont like in the 1980s?

Vermont in the 1920s
What was Vermont like a century ago?

Vermont in the 1910s
What was Vermont like in the 1910s?

Vermont in the 1820s?
What was Vermont like two centuries ago?

Vermont Dairy Farm Workers
How has work on a dairy farm changed over time?

Vermont Flood Disasters
How did historic flooding events affect Vermont over time?
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