Hermit Thrush

What bird is the Vermont state bird?

The hermit thrush is Vermont’s state bird. It was chosen as the state bird in 1941.

The hermit thrush lives in Vermont only during the summer. In the winter, the bird migrates south. You can find hermit thrushes in all parts of Vermont. Look for the birds in wooded areas. And listen for their beautiful song.

Thinking About History

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Some legislators wanted the crow or the blue jay to be Vermont's state bird. Do you agree that the hermit thrush should be the state bird? Why or why not?

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Read the article The Hermit Thrush: Vermont's State Bird from Green Mountaineer Magazine

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Vermont Historical Society. "Hermit Thrush." Vermont History Explorer. Accessed October 22, 2024. https://vermonthistoryexplorer.org/vermont-state-bird

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