Vermont Quarter
What do the words and pictures on the Vermont quarter mean?
1791 is the year Vermont became a state. “Freedom and Unity” is Vermont’s state motto. A person is tapping two maple trees to get the sap. The sugar maple tree is Vermont’s state tree. Camels Hump is a mountain with a shape that is easy to recognize. Vermont is known for the Green Mountains.
The Vermont state quarter was the 14th state quarter because Vermont was the 14th state.
Thinking About History
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Look at other state quarters. What do their pictures and words tell you about other states?
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Learn more about the Vermont state tree
Learn more about The 14th State
Learn more from the United States Mint about the Vermont Quarter
Read the article Making a Mint in Vermont from Green Mountaineer Magazine
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Vermont Historical Society. "Vermont Quarter." Vermont History Explorer. Accessed March 6, 2025.