Chapter Books about Vermont History

Aaron and the Green Mountain Boys
by Patricia Lee Gauch (1972)
Historical fiction, 64 pages, grades 2-4
The story of Aaron Robinson who helped the Green Mountain Boys at the Battle of Bennington in 1777.
Available in the VHS lending library.

The Arrow Over the Door
by Joseph Bruchac (2002)
Historical fiction, 89 pages, grades 3-7
The story of an Abenaki boy and a Quaker boy in New York during the Revolutionary War. Based on a true story.

As Long as There Are Mountains
by Natalie Kinsey-Warnock (1997)
Historical fiction, 139 pages, grades 3-7
After their barn burns down, Iris' family is in danger of losing their farm in the 1950s.

At the Top of the Mountain
by Judith Edwards (2013)
Historical Fiction, 144 pages, grades 4-8
In the third adventure with Will Ryan, find out if the Civilian Conservation Corps crew will reach the top of Mount Ascutney.

Azban's Great Journey
by Brian Chenevert (2015)
Abenaki stories, 56 pages, grades 4-6
Read about the adventures of Azban, the raccoon, trickster of the Western Abenaki people.

The Black Bonnet
by Louella Bryant (1996)
Historical fiction, 149 pages, grades 5-8
Charity and Bea have escaped slavery and are travelling through Vermont to reach freedom in Canada. Set in the 1850s.
Available in the VHS lending library.

Bread and Roses, Too
by Katherine Paterson (2006)
Historical fiction, 275 pages, grades 4-8
Lawrence, Massachusetts is a dangerous place during the "Bread and Roses" strike in 1912. Rosa and Jake are sent to live with families in Barre where they will be safe.

Captive of Pittsford Ridge
by Janice Ovecka (1994)
Historical fiction, 88 pages, grades 4-8
Josiah's father is fighting with the Green Mountains Boys at the Battle of Hubbardton during the Revolutionary War. What happens when Josiah meets the enemy after the battle?

Cave of Falling Water
by Janice Ovecka (1992)
Historical fiction, 115 pages, grades 4-8
Woni, Mattie, and Stacy are three girls from different time periods that discover the Cave of Falling Water.
Available in the VHS lending library.

Champlain and the Silent One
by Kate Messner (2008)
Historical fiction, 142 pages, grades 4-8
In 1609, an Innu young man called Silent One travels with Champlain to save his brother.

Counting on Grace
by Elizabeth Winthrop (2006)
Historical fiction, 232 pages, grades 4-8
Grace works in a southern Vermont cotton mill in the early 1900s. Will Lewis Hine's photograph change everything?

The Darkness Under the Water
by Beth Kanell (2008)
Historical fiction, 320 pages, grades 6-12
During the 1920s, Molly's Abenaki and French Canadian family is targeted by the Vermont Eugenics Survey.

The Day of the Pelican
by Katherine Paterson (2010)
Historical fiction, 160 pages, grades 5-7
Meli Lleshi and her family must leave their home in Kosovo because of the war. They arrive in Vermont as refugees to start a new life. How will the events of 9/11 impact life for the Muslim family in their new home?

The Dewey Boy
by Earline V. Marsh (2012)
Historical fiction, 84 pages, grades 3-6
Before George Dewey grew up to be an admiral in the US navy, he spent the summer of 1846 on his cousins' farm.

The Faithful Hunter Abenaki Stories
by Joseph Bruchac (1988)
Abenaki stories, 61 pages, grades 4-12
A collection of traditional Western Abenaki stories including several stories about Gluskabe.
Available in the VHS lending library.

Faraway Summer
by Johanna Hurwitz (2000)
Historical fiction, 160 pages, grades 3-7
Thanks to the Fresh Air Fund, Dossi spends the summer of 1910 in Vermont, far away from her Jewish family and their tenement in New York City.

Full Cicada Moon
by Marilyn Hilton (2017)
Historical fiction, 400 pages, grades 3-7
In 1969, Mimi Yoshiko Oliver wants to be an astronaut. How can she work towards her dream and fit into her new Vermont school?

Green Mountain Hero
by Edgar Newman Jackson (1961)
Historical fiction, 190 pages, grades 4-8
The story of Solomon Story and his family who settled in Salisbury, Vermont in the 1770s.
Available in the VHS lending library.

Guns for General Washington: A Story of the American Revolution
by Seymour Reit (1990)
Historical fiction, 140 pages, grades 5-9
The Continental Army must move the cannons from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston. Will the cannons get there in time to help General Washington beat the British Army?

The Hero of Ticonderoga
by Gail Gauthier (2002)
Fiction, 240 pages, grades 3-7
Tessy gets the report topic that everyone else wants - the story of Ethan Allen and Fort Ticonderoga.

Hidden Roots
by Joseph Bruchac (2004)
Historical fiction, 137 pages, grades 5-9
Set in the 1950s in New York and Vermont. From Uncle Louis, Sonny learns about his roots and the forced sterilization of Abenaki people in Vermont in the 1930s.

Invasion on the Mountain
by Judith Edwards (2011)
Historical fiction, 96 pages, grades 4-8
The Civilian Conservation Corps comes to Will Ryan's hometown during the Great Depression.

Jip, His Story
by Katherine Paterson (1996)
Historical fiction, 181 pages, grades 5-8
Jip lives on the town poor farm in Vermont in the 1850s after being abandoned by his family.
Available in the VHS lending library.

Justin Morgan Had a Horse
by Marguerite Henry (1946)
Historical fiction, 170 pages, grades 4-8
Justin Morgan's horse "Little Bub" is stronger and faster than other Vermont horses in the late 1700s.

Lumber Camp Library
by Natalie Kinsey-Warnock (2002)
Historical fiction, 87 pages, grades 2-5
Ruby wants to be a teacher, but everything changes after her father dies in an accident. Set in the early 1900s.
Available in the VHS lending library.

by Katherine Paterson (1991)
Historical fiction, 182 pages, grades 5-8
Lyddie leaves Vermont to work in the mills in Lowell, Massachusetts in the 1840s to earn money to support herself and her poor family.
Available in the VHS lending library.

March Toward the Thunder
by Joseph Bruchac (2009)
Historical fiction, 320 pages, grades 6-9
Louis Nolette, a young Abenaki man, fights for the Union in the American Civil War, even though he is only 15 years old and from Canada.

Mr. Lincoln's Drummer
by G. Clifton Wisler (1997)
Historical fiction, 131 pages, grades 5-7
Based on the story of Vermonter Willie Johnston, an 11 year old drummer boy in the Union Army during the Civil War.
Available in the VHS lending library.

The Night the Bells Rang
by Natalie Kinsey-Warnock (1991)
Historical fiction, 76 pages, grades 3-5
The last year of World War I (1918) is an eventful one for a Vermont farm boy.
Available in the VHS lending library.

Preacher's Boy
by Katherine Paterson (2000)
Historical fiction, 176 pages, grades 5-7
In 1899, Robbie's father is a preacher in a small Vermont town where some people think the world is about to end.

Return to Sender
by Julia Alvarez (2010)
Fiction, 352 pages, grades 3-7
Tyler's father hires migrant workers from Mexico to work on their dairy farm. Will Mari and her family be able to stay in Vermont?

by Robert Newton Peck (1974)
Historical fiction, 96 pages, grades 4-7
Rob and his best friend Soup create mischief all over their Vermont town in the 1930s.

by Kate Messner (2007)
Historical fiction, 144 pages, grades 4-6
In 1776, Abigail and Pascal are on a ship during a Revolutionary War naval battle on Lake Champlain.

A Stitch in Time
by Daphne Kalmar (2018)
Historical fiction, 176 pages, grades 4-6
Will Aunt Agnes take the orphaned Donut away from her Vermont village and move her to Boston? Set in the 1927.

Trouble on the Mountain
by Judith Edwards (2012)
Historical fiction, 118 pages, grades 4-8
The second adventure of Will Ryan and the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression.

Understood Betsy
by Dorothy Canfield Fisher (1916)
Historical fiction, 137 pages, grades 5-8
The story of Betsy who must leave her city home to live with her Vermont cousins on a farm. This classic story provides a glimpse of Vermont in the early 1900s.

Vermont, the State with the Storybook Past
by Cora Cheney (1976, revised 1999)
Non-fiction, 256 pages, grades 4-8
A narrative history of the state of Vermont. Although full of action and adventure, educators should discuss the portrayal of Abenaki history in this book.

The Wind Eagle and Other Abenaki Stories
by Joseph Bruchac (1985)
Abenaki stories, 34 pages, grades 4-12
A collection of teaching stories that teach and entertain.
Available in the VHS lending library.