Census Bar Graphs
Every 10 years, the US Census Bureau counts the number of people living in each state. These records show how Vermont changed over the years. Pick the blank graph that best matches the size of your town. Then make a bar graph to show how your town got bigger - or smaller - since 1800.
graph for towns with population peak less than 1,000 (like Guildhall, North Hero or Fairlee)
graph for towns with population peak less than 3,000 (like Monkton, Bethel or Clarendon)
graph for towns with population peak less than 6,000 (like Stowe, Georgia or Randolph)
graph for towns with population peak less than 10,000 (like or Williston or St. Johnsbury)
graph for towns with population peak less than 20,000 (like Brattleboro or Bennington)
graph for towns with population peak around 40,000 (like Burlington)
Copy and paste this citation to show where you did your research.
Vermont Historical Society. "Census Bar Graphs." Vermont History Explorer. Accessed February 15, 2025. https://sitemap.vermonthistoryexplorer.org/census-bar-graphs